Sunday, April 21, 2013

WWII Our Bombers Over Holland April 1945

The Nazis were about done during tithis time, 68 years ago. Our B-17's were over Berlin on 21st. About 500 B-17s and a variety of B-24 Liberators would wind up the 8th Air Force's mission of the War by sundown that night. Starting the next day, the American bombers would load up wit food and start a relief run - pretty consistently - over selected parts of Hollan. The crews of the various American Bomb Groups stationed in England called them "chow runs." The Dutch called them life savers. For most of the spring of 1945, bombers dumped tons of food on the Dutch in small boxes. There are WWII Museums in our country with those boxes, now empty and photos of the hungry Dutch ripping them open, feeding their young. Recenty Dutch visitors saw one display and said, " my God, I remember, I still have those boxes in my cellar at home." Dutchmen like elephants never forget, I guess. To thank the American airmen, the planted tulips in the shape of a note aimed skyward: " THANK YOU." I dont think Tom Brokaw ever heard that story, but I did. I talked to the Dutchmen and women who lived it. ###

Monday, April 1, 2013

NRA Hat, Gun Control Hysteria and the man in church

What has it been, 100 days since Newtown? Those 20 pure souls dead and gone? The hysteria for gun control has gone through the roof, bounced around, the lunatics picketed the NRA have gotten no where, I suppose we have them to thank for this cooling off period.
     It has given people time to think things through.
     Politicians like those from New York have gone off the tracks trying to pose rules on the entire nation assuming the whole nation lives east of the Hudson, having the same mentality as those ho ride the subway in New York, craft ridiculous legislation that WE know the rest of us will never obey.
     I heard a news broadcast this morning that said - " None of the legislation, thus far, including that which Mark Kelly is advocating, WOULD HAVE STOPPED any of the atrocities that have already happened.!!!"
     Kelly should be discounted by everyone. Shoot my wife in the face, and I will go a little nuts too.
By the way, my wife suggested this very morning, that Mr. Kelly's next probably step will be into politics. We'll see.
     MY HAT: is an N.R.A. gold emblazoned cap which I have worn every day since this anti gun hysteria has surfaced. It's taken a lot of guts since I live in Tucson. That's every day for 100 days.
     Each day, every day, at least one, sometimes, two, often three people have approached ME to thank me for wearing it. Some comments are, " Thank you for standing up for the 2nd Amendment."
Or, "I'm behind you, these politicians think they can get away with taking our guns away, NEVER!"
     Easter Sunday, I carried the hat into church, didn't wear it. One man approached me after services and quietly said the same thing. "I approve, I own a gun, and they will have to kill me to get it." He said that in church.
     I don't know about anyone else in this country, but I do not trust the Justice Department, Mr. Obama, people who suck up to him, the "expressed" intentions of the government, nor the direction of the administration ( The A.G included), the banks, Wall Street, and a lot more.