Thursday, May 26, 2016


Unfortunately, I believe Jesse Watters World has become a reflection of the real world around us. The college kids are stupid. Don't think so? Check out his walk about tonight. " Who fought in
 the Civil War?" he asks of a world class dish. "Russia? and China?" she says without missing a beat? As Jesse has qualified in the past, most of these people come up to him, or, he stops them as a professional mall questionnaire does - every third person, random stops. He does not pick and chose his targets. You should have seen the Harvard Campus. It was so bad, those students, they had to throw him off the campus.
     The point? No wonder Bernie is so high in the polls. NO ONE understands the meaning and consequences of SOCIALISM. Idiots at the helm of our University are not teaching it, just as the public school systems are dumbing down our kids on history. Don't think so, ask your kids where Columbus landed in America. See what you get.
     It is a stain on America that we even HAVE a Socialist on a presidential ticket, let alone serving as a United States Senator. This country was not founded on Socialism, it was free enterprise and capitalism.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

OBAMA - 7 & 1/2 YEARS.........??,

This evening's newscast on Bill O'Reilly, it was mentioned that " our president is a Socialist and most of the public doesn't know it. In fact, recent statistical data from on University source says 49% of the public, when scientifically polled, doesn't know what "Socialism" is or what it does. " It just sounds cool.
     Another polling company today said for the first time in our history, the majority of Americans do NOT believe in Capitalism, the majority believes Socialism should take first place, yet, most don't understand what it is.
     Hillary Clinton, in a debate was asked about gun control and her take on Australia's ability on handing guns. ( last year, total confiscation, no exceptions) Her answer, " I'll have to consider it once I'm in office."
     Obama has stepped in to Unisex bathrooms in public schools. That means sexually confused young men showering in your daughter's locker rooms at school, after tennis practice. First time for everything.
     The Prez has stripped the military out of  Billion dollars of funds, so much so they are de-nuding good airplanes in storage for parts, just to keep what's left of their flying units in the air. He also has frustrated the hell out of the military theater commanders by ordering them NOT TO FIRE back on enemies unless our attorneys are consulted first. Strict orders have been issued they re NOT allowed to fire back.
     Apparently this has increased our casualty count. George Bush spent/spends a lot of time with the American soldier wounded in battle. Obama spends a lot of time on the golf course. All of the Generals on staff when he walked into office have been fired, retired or demoted out of Washington. Compliant, manipulative, controllable senior officers gliding through to their retirement have been placed in positions where they can be counted on by Obama to "yes" him to death when needed. On occasion, stories float down Constitution Avenue about such times, and the aftermath of his obtuseness and subsequent foul ups.
     Koskinen at the IRS, the VA from General Kinsecki onward, and the plethora of Federal Agencies showed by media stories of ineptitude, waste, fraud, cheating, abuse and lying, pepper the national conscience to a state of epidemic depression.
     Despite the Big-Lie on the Economic Front, recent studies show about two thirds of all Americans cannot raise a measely grant for a hospital bill, car accident or other emergency. That goes for practically ANYONE in practically any income bracket.
     Race relations are at an all-time crappy low, and I can be an accurate judge of that, having grown up in south Philadelphia during the 60's. Black gangs roamed my school from elementary to senior high school from 3 grade to graduation day. It was a tough way to live in the 50s. (...the good ole days, my foot. It was the " Blackboard Jungle).

Thursday, May 19, 2016


I just got off the phone with the childrens' hospital in the Midwest. They were asking me for donations. Patiently, I explained my wife and I are living off Social Security, as many millions of you out there are. ( Thanks to the crash of 2008/09)
    Anyway, I said that in spite of that I manage to send St Judes a token every few months motivated by my heart break over those kids. He told me that the survival rate of those precious children has risen fron 30% in the 60's to 80% as of now.
    I confessed that it broke my heart to hear of the death of one of the young girls on their commercials: she was the one that looked into the camera and said, "if you give to St. Jude and they find a cure for cancer, we won't have to go through this any more."
   She died a few months ago. I fell apart. I felt so badly for that child for so long.
   Marlo Thomas runs the place, actress, activist for this cause, I hear from the caller she was there as a child, running around the hospital in a sun dress as a child, now the CEO. I don't know how she does it.
   She watches 20-% of those kids die every year. What guts. I couldn't do it, I just don't have what it takes to handle that load of grief and loss.  (And, I thought I didn't have what it took to be a Marine!! )
   I'm cutting a check to the hospital tomorrow morning, what the hell, it won't be much. But, from 30 to 80% ?? Maybe my little piddling amount .....I just can't stand the thought of sitting by and doing NOTHING.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Cartoons on Guns and GUN CONTROL

The cartoon was about gun violence with Obama in the first panel moaning about it running rampant in the country. He says, I've got to do something to help make people safer.
    The second panel shows him with the statue of the Patriot standing next to him, covered with presidential citations that say, " Presidential Citations'' labeled Gun Control Edicts covering the entire face of the statue.
    In that 2nd panel, he says, " There, that will make the people feel safer." (sure.)
    In the latest AARP monthly newsletter, an article outlining the rapid growth of handguns in the elderly community in America, NOT rifles - handguns - big ones. It said the reason the retired market is buying handguns is " they've become jittery " what with the rise of world-wide violence and domestic unrest.
    AUSTRALIA has demanded a total ban on guns, issued an edict to turn them in or go to jail. Apparently, the sheep (citizens) have done just that. Press from down under has published photos of tractor trailers jammed with guns of all types on the way to....we assume destruction. But, it was unclear. Press reports from Sydney tell the public, " you have one last chance to turn in your guns, or face JAIL." (emphasis mine).
    HILLARY CLINTON, presumed Democratic Presidential Candidate, while campaigning in the mid-west, was asked the question about her probably policy on gun control if/when elected to the presidency. She replied that she would probably " heavily consider the Australian system."
    We know the Aussie System as Gun Confiscation by the central government, which the National Rifle Association has been warning America for at least the last 30 years. Now, the Queen of Benghazi, openly declares it's on the table if elected to the most powerful position in the world.