Friday, February 14, 2014

Connecticut Gun Laws - BROKEN - Felons, Civil Disobedience!!

Martin Luther King's spirit of Civil Disobedience has had a re-birth in Connecticut, if our news sources are to be believed. I read in the newsprint and on very limited netwire that the highly restrictive gun laws passed last year after the disasterous school shooting in that state by the mentally tortured Adam Lanza, practically denuded law abiding gun owners of even dreaming of owning a gun, something extroadinary happened in the last 72 hours.
     As I understand this event, the Connecticut legislature went so far as to command gun owners to turn them in almost immediately.
     This is the red-line for American gun-owners, the fear that lurks in the hearts of every free American and his fire-arms. That someday, someone, some body of lawmakers will do this, and send troops down the street, door to door, checking registration records, and pull a citizens/' only form of self defense. Aesnd then, Thomas Jefferson WILL be right, the government will have NO fear of it's people. (especially these days!)
     What happened was, in some estimates, hundreds of thousands of Connecticut citizens refused. Outright defiance of their state government outrageous demands, these gun owners, refused to comply, and it is estimated a hundred thousand or so, simply replied, " Come get us." Just imagine jailing 100,000 of your finest citizens on felony firearms charges?? Who is going to run the state?
     They are, as of this writing, Felons. Further estimates by some news outlets say they figures are three times that based on unregistered gun owners who defied the state's original mandate to register their weapons. I hasten to point out, that is their ORIGINAL FEAR: REGISTRATION LEADS TO CONFISCATION. 
     A war cry gun-owners have hollered for decades, and now the anti-gun nuts of Connecticut have stoked those fires to PROVE IT.

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