Saturday, December 17, 2016


I am amazed at some of my fellow Americans.....and embarassed. And ashamed. Like a crowd of 4th graders weeping over the home room teacher denying them recess because they misbehaved, their temper tantrums bounce off the walls of both oceans.
      A few television stations dare to run Mrs Clintons's diatribes, and her flip flops on the news, contrdicting everything she has said Our schools screech out to our children during class time, " what do we tell our children."?
       Hollywood types organized, it is reported, by a former Clinton aide Van Jones, roll on a public service announcement asking the public to pressure the Electoral college people in their zip codes to DENY THEIR AVOWED VOTES ON TRUMP AND SWITCH.
       No print media that I have seen has bothered to print the names of the "public figures that appeared on that PSA urging our Electors to defect against OUR wishes and vote for Clinton instead, But I did recognize anti-war activist and some-time actor Martin Sheen, and a very beautiful red headed actress who played in a TV series. Her name escapes me.
       America, GET A GRIP. Some segments of our country have to cowboy up and get on with it. You didn't see this kind of baby behavior after Obama was elected the first time, DID YOU? After the second time, a national depression maybe, but no hysterical outcry.
       Whoopi Goldberg, and nearly a dozen other "luminaries" not including those on the TV ad urging our electors to vote against our wishes, all said they would move TO CANADA if Mr Trump was elected. Well, he has been. I suggest, we, the deplorable, encourage all those who now detest our country, encourage them to move to Canada, thereby raising the IQ of both countries at the same time......What do you think?
                        He says he is one that will move to Canada if Trump is elected!!  By, Al.

Saturday, December 10, 2016


It was me, I think I had a hand in starting it all. I didn't do it on purpose, it was an accident, but it WAS ME. Let me explain.
     Somewhere in the late 70's I was one of the vice presidents of a CIA cover company, or vendor, or something of that sort called Evergreen Air Center in Marana, Arizona just 30 miles northwest of Tucson hiding in plain sight.
     I was the VP of finance, accounting, security, hotel, administration, housekeeping, you-name-it. If it didn't didn't fly, or involve a wrench, and it went wrong, I got blamed for it. Got the picture?
     Now, my handy calculator tells me that was 38 years ago, and what happened on that day surprised the hell out of me, being an AF vet, it should have, because I was used airplanes going forward, manned by pilots.
     Sitting at my desk, crunching numbers, a stranger walked in and said, " You Fulton?" Yup, I told him. Your headquarters sent me, I'm from the DOD (defense) and I'm here to set up a test facility for a new airplane we're going to try out and then give to the ISRAELIS.
     Oh, I replied, what kind of plane, I asked. He told me that it was called a pilot less drone, small, unmanned, equipped with a tv camera to broadcast what it sees back to ISRAELI AF headquarters.
     " They want to keep tabs on the Arabs beyond the mountains so there are no surprise attacks," he continued. (Oh, I thought. Makes sense to me)
     He plunked down paperwork, letter of credit, orders from Foggy Bottom, I arranged what he needed and that was that.
     Recently, while cruising the aisles at Walmart, I found you could buy a top shelf Drone for $50.
Today, drones are all over the place, getting in the way of passenger aircraft, delivering books for Amazon.
     And, it all started at my desk.

Sunday, November 27, 2016


I can no longer hold it in: 1) did you know that in Tucson, Arizona, there are no Book Stores in retail malls any more? They are gone. In Tucson I can find only ONE on the main drag. Asking several mall store managers the location of a book store INSIDE their mall, none could answer correctly. Zero.
     The School system in Tucson is lagging behind the national average. It continues to score below national averages in many scholastic areas. Teacher SHORTAGES are a scandal. The district entered the new school year dozens short, preferring to scout out northern cities, recruiting those teachers to contract them to teach here in Tucson.
     In the one book store I found in Tucson, a "magnet" school was holding a promotion to solicit public funds to supplement their revenues. I quizzed two of the male teachers who were recently recruited from other cities.
     One told me he teaches FROM COMMON CORE in the Tucson Unified School District. What little history is taught there, he said, was all American History (only) which included World War Two with NO mention of Germany, the holocaust or our involvement. The curriculum, he said, was our
" attack " on Japan. He emphasized, WE ATTACKED JAPAN. That is the course curriculum that is demanded by the school district, he said.
     I am deeply disturbed by the absence of bookstores in our malls. Thirty years ago, I counted at least 3 retail book stores in each of the towns retail malls. Now, there are none, and further, no one seems to either know it, or care about it. A total absence of caring on the part of any adult I encountered.
     Speaking with school teachers in the book store, I told them I had been an elementary teacher in Yuma and had witnessed Mexican school children being bussed across the border into American schools to be taught by us, at our expense. Brazenly crossed the border, no questions asked, stopped by no one, entering our schools, taking up school time, resources and no one questioned it. Speaking to the school teachers in front of me, I asked, " do you know who pays for that?"
     Bewildered looks:  " .....You do, ...and me."  The American school teacher looked at me
and said that he didn''t believe it. There was a young Mexican American boy standing in between us coloring a book. He was a student at the school these men were teaching from.
     " Oh, yes, " the young boy chimed in. " It's true, my cousin is one of those students that gets bussed from across the border. "
     " I rest my case,"  I told the two gentlemen teachers from the Tucson elementary school. We, the taxpayers of America blythly pay for educating kids from another country, no one knows about it, or cares.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


It has been written that an American college in the mid-west published a notice to their students, as a result of the Trump election, WHAT WILL WE TELL OUR CHILDREN?
     Apparently, the initial "hysteria" of our juvenile generation has, as of this Thanksgiving Day begun to wind down. It is noted that Michelle Obama once said
" I am now proud of my country," once Barack was elected.
     In that vein, I confess I am embarrassed by my fellow countrymen and their reaction to the election of President Elect Donald Trump.
     The temper tantrums above to almost nightly riots have lowered civil discourse and most probably shaken allies confidence in us around the world. Between Obama's
 terms in office, when the effects of his politics were most sorely felt here and around the world, I had the opportunity as a Docent in a museum to speak to Europeans and Asians visiting that museum.
     The majority of them expressed to me grave concern over our elections and the hopes that we might turn OUT Obama for someone else - frankly, ANYONE else. The effect of his policies, they explained, were affecting them all, financially.
     It is important to recall what Obama told McCain shortly after his election, in front of live TV cameras.
    Bluntly, he said, " John, the election is over. I won."
    Good advice for everyone else.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

TRUMP, THE C E O.......

YOU don't get it, do you? Everybody in America who is crying, knashing their teeth, (Oh, my God, what ARE we going to do??) get hold of yourselves working for guys just like him, people.
     Donald Trump is not a politician, never was, never will be. He's a businessman, and currently you are now viewing him in his normal state - as a CEO. He's a different animal than you are used to. You wanted honesty? You're getting it. This is how he goes about everyday business in the board-room.
     I've spent my life in Board Rooms working for guys just like him. Think caged tiger pacing back and forth behind the bars waiting to be let loose. Hungry lion, yearning to free on the "hunt." He's ready, primed, got the ducks lined up. Count on this - whatever he says he will do, he'll do it. 
     And that bankruptcy crap? Forget it, it is the law. It's there for business and personal reasons. Don't think so? Check your daily paper, they list all of them each week. The filings list companies that go Chapter 11, down to your next door neighbor.
     Press reports here is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, partially true. He is a Wharton School graduate - a business college within the University. One of the best in the nation. I graduated in the same class he did. I know how he thinks, I had the same education. His chief skill? FOCUS.
     This should be an interesting ride.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Things I hate.....

1. The current reaction by weirdo portions of our communist reactionaries to Trump's election. I wonder if it is due to lack of education about our Constitution. Read it, you dumb asses.
2.  The idiots that are hollering about the election AND WHO DID NOT VOTE. They are calling on the civil authorities to call into action  THE COPS. Do it, you guys. Do it. This is not the time to be PC. Not voting gives our police (and us) the right to pass judgement on this clowns. No vote no right to holler, break glass and ruin my day.
3   1.7 Billion in cash to the Iranians in the middle of the night? What, the air crew was not wearing black masks and trench coats?  Mr Obama was not doing a great job at screwing us over. Least he could have done was an attempt at cheating, ya know - masks, capes, something. That's how you know POTUS did it and not the CIA. If the spooks did it, we would never k3ow. This op was right out of the WH.
4 When can you honestly say our government did the RIGHT thing? About anything? In the past 3 months, Asad in Syria murdered at least 10,000 of his people - just rounded them up, and slaughtered them. Did you KNOW that? Betcha didn't. MSNBC didn't tell you, NBC, Nnor oh abc or anybody else that are butt-buddies of POTUS bothered. Yet, we did NOTHING to stop that mass killing. Asad murdered 10K of his people while the US SAT ON THEIR (OUR) HANDS.
5 I am NOT proud of that. women and children knew they were going to be killed, waiting for it, just like those guys on the roof tops in Benghazi. And like those guys in Benghazi, they knew we weren't going to rescue them, either.....I HATE THAT.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


We are the richest nation on earth, yet most college kids think the Government will supply them with free college (these days.) ......ok
     Today.....or was it last week,  our government said no more wars, we were pulling out of the Middle East and TV news casts covered stories of GIs coming home to kids
This week, I saw we're sending BACK , what? 6,000 more? That's more than what's stationed there NOW. I don't understand.
     Everybody hates the to candidates from the two major parties, and the third party from the Libertarians (?? - wassat?) can't find Hoboken on a map. Or, is it London.
     The only candidate running everybody seems to agree on is one VP Mr. Pence who has bearing, his presidential" This election year, a gaggle of Demos have vaulted the bird cage, fallen in behind Mr. Trump, and said so
     Likewise, maverick Republicans, purists all, have NOT endorsed Sir Donald, preferring to sniff their way through November and hold out for another miracle worker to fall through the clouds in -announced at present.
    Troubling. The chess pieces are not staying on their assigned locale, screwing ups.
     Meanwhile, the lame duck prez, is anything but, touring the country,  tossing wrenches into everything he can, for nearly everyone. Bill Clinton, yakking it up for Hillary (I think) makes a few caustic comments about Obama Care that ignites the faithful into frenzy, squared.
      " This ACA (ObamaCare) is crazy, the premiums are doubling January 1st, and the amount of care will drop significantly. That's CRAZY,"  he was quoted as saying.
      Watching the news on TV lately, you best have your hand-held around and dial in a version of Truth Checker The lies coming out of the tube could float a battleship.
       You heard it here.


I write  this on the morning of our national election. Depression over takes me as a victim of the last `18 months or so of this political flogging we have endured. The collection below has been my personal experience from my fellow citizens:
      Contractor who services my heater: " we ought to have a law that says politicking confined to six (6) months, like in Europe." I counter with the fact that the people in Congress make the same laws as term limits on their seats. Fat chance.
      News caster on MSNBC (left wing tv station touting Clinton and Socialism), " The public's enthusiasm for this, and confidence in the future has been exhausted. They (nationally) are depressed, disheartened and can't wait to put this behind them, as I."
      Twitter War locally, " If Clinton wins, break out your Muskets."
      Regional newspaper headlines: " depending on outcome, some churches look to SCOTUS" Decisions on political speech in Churches"
      Facebook posts and blog reports increased comments about leaving US on ultimate selection of certain candidate as next president, either candidate is mentioned.
      Sociologists, Psychologists remain silent as to current adverse public reactions to schism developing in American split personalities in Red vs Blue development in public persona.
      Most industry scholars are unsure to in the dark about general reactions of the populace on the outcome of elections to come.


DON TRUMP, character assassination thereof....

We all remember how actress TINA FEY set about destroying Governor Sarah Palin's character in the McCain/Palin run for office. Through the harassment of comedy, her skits  tore down the Governor to a point that the mindless among us MSNBC launches everything but the kitchen sink at him, which in their case, pretty weak.
     Anyway, they're back. This time, Don Trump is the target. Today, the net is loaded with negs courtesy of the Lord of objectivity, the Huffpost, at the controls of Adriana Huffington, butt buddies with Hillary. So take that and run with it.
     The same drek press is still harping on the Melania speech accusing her of swiping whole sections from Obama's prior tome. I thought we  had moved past that, but, then again, MSNBC figures they don't have much to talk about, they'll just keep driving nails in that coffin until we all get bored with it.
     Speaking of Melania and bad press from the internet, they're still banging on about her "NAKED" pictures she had taken when she was a nubile teen age model for a professional shoot for a magazine. She was NOT naked, she was on a professional job, that was about half her life ago, and by the way. BIG DEAL. Think about this. Who would you like to have in the White House helping to entertain visiting dignitaries from Russia, the Middle East, South America and the Pacific Rim?
     Melania Trump? Or somebody who rides a broom to work?
     Oh, the Muslim dad and Mom on the DNC platform? We take nothing away from their pain and suffering. We cannot imagine their anguish, Captain Kahn served us to the maximum doing more than his duty for us. However, statistically, Hillary & Co must have dug deep to find them, Muslim troops represent LESS THAN .0015 % of the entire armed forces from the US on station in the middle east. Grateful though we are that any of them are with us, we offer up thanks for Captain Kahn's sacrifice for our country.
      My point? Mr. Trump did read the Constitution. He and I attended the same Wharton School class and graduated in May `1968. The Constitution was part of the reading material at the time.

Sunday, October 23, 2016


We have the finest military in the world, the bravest guys and girls in uniform. We have spent decades building up our Armed Forces since the "Jane Fonda" inspired public collapse of confidence of our people in uniform.
      Our public has honored, paid tribute to the fallen each and every time. I say this without reservation. Our current government lags in supporting our fellow volunteers in the service, far behind the voters.
      I am ashamed and embarrassed by press reports out of California that say the Pentagon is going after the soldiers who were asked to re-enlist due to short-falls and were paid bonuses to do so. NOW, THE PENTAGON IS GOING AFTER THE BONUSES, AND FORCING THE GI's TO RETURN THE MONEY.
      Shameful. My anger and resentment knows no bounds. I think we should all contact our Congressional representative and lodge a protest.  How are we ever to encourage continued enlistments while stabbing loyal soldiers in the back like this?


Monday, June 20, 2016


That was the first time in nearly 20 years I'd heard that. After a ruinous divorce involving a landslide of alcohol, acrimony, poisoned daughters that ran from me, damaged and broken, I left alone, weighing 18 years of senseless family life.
    A total waste. The kids, the girls now huddled in bomb craters somewhere, were secured in helmets, accusations flying, it was ugly for a couple of years. My father hauled me aside with unusually harsh advice, "I'm not going to be around forever, so here it is - I'd think long and hard before I'd let those kids back into MY life ever again. They really stabbed you in the back."
    Years pass, wounds fester, slowly heal, memories form lumps, some cover over, then, finally, gone.
    My wife and I form new relationships here in our town a woman and her 20 year old son, Joe. He and I pal around together. As I age, I can do less and less, but I'm a fountain f experience and I need his brains, brawn and cheerfulness. He needs companionship, absent a father. I'm missing a son.
     What an opportunity. I taught school for years, college, too. It seemed to naturally for me, getting along with people, and Joe is so good to be with. I taught him how to string fence, paint, oil on fencing, architecture landscaping. He works fast, accurate and honestly.
     We always lunch on the Fridays or Saturdays. His Mom just gave me a Father's Day card just a day or so ago and made me feel so good about my treating her son, like he was MY son. Joe wrote a note to me too. He likes my friendship, too.
     It makes me forget the nightmare of those 18 years and treasure what I have now. I am so grateful

Sunday, June 19, 2016


FULL DISCLOSURE: I GRADUATED WITH TRUMP, MAY 1968 FROM WHARTON SCHOOL, BILL PALEY WAS THE COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER CBS BIGGIE. I say that to clear up any conflict of interest on my personal opinion.
       The  Republicans are screwing the elections up. At this writing, they are starting to discredit the legitimately chosen candidate for their party. Don Trump wrapped it up early as he said he would. He won it fair and square. He is not a typical pol. He says what he means and the reverse. If you want smarmy, listen to Sunday morning politico interviews. You can all the double talk you can swallow.
          Trump says the system is unfair, and look what happens: " da boys" in the back room are smokein up a storm plotting to undo him. NO WONDER THERE ARE MORE INDEPENDENT VOTERS (LIKE ME) THAN EVER BEFORE. When at Wharton, I wrote my thesis on our political party system and made the case for and Independent system. I see now that I was right, all along. So was Donald Trump/
         If these dissenters in the Republican party continue, we're going to wind up with Billary back in the White House, Bill on the golf course, soiling some girls dress, Hillary taking money from anyone, doing anything, and us not knowing anything about what she does.
         IF SHE ISN'T INDICTED FOR CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY. What keeps me up at night are two disturbing ideas:
  • has the American IQ sunk so low as to happily accept someone of such flawed, low character?
  • Of all the people in our country suitable for the presidency, THIS is what we have to offer?

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Just when you thought it was safe to re-evaluate your opinions on politics, on the morality of human beings, on the speaking the truth to those of s still seeking it, Barack Obama, president of us all, said last night on a late night comedy show:

                    " I'm really worried about the Republican Party~!"

     My wife has asked me countless times, " how can you tell when a president is lying to us?  A review of his public track record, his statements to the press, and us, if you are careful enough to review what he says he will do, then follow the historical outcomes - proves that in almost ever case - it does NOT happen.
     So, I tell my darling wife, "  if his lips are moving, he's lying."
     Your thoughts?

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Unfortunately, I believe Jesse Watters World has become a reflection of the real world around us. The college kids are stupid. Don't think so? Check out his walk about tonight. " Who fought in
 the Civil War?" he asks of a world class dish. "Russia? and China?" she says without missing a beat? As Jesse has qualified in the past, most of these people come up to him, or, he stops them as a professional mall questionnaire does - every third person, random stops. He does not pick and chose his targets. You should have seen the Harvard Campus. It was so bad, those students, they had to throw him off the campus.
     The point? No wonder Bernie is so high in the polls. NO ONE understands the meaning and consequences of SOCIALISM. Idiots at the helm of our University are not teaching it, just as the public school systems are dumbing down our kids on history. Don't think so, ask your kids where Columbus landed in America. See what you get.
     It is a stain on America that we even HAVE a Socialist on a presidential ticket, let alone serving as a United States Senator. This country was not founded on Socialism, it was free enterprise and capitalism.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

OBAMA - 7 & 1/2 YEARS.........??,

This evening's newscast on Bill O'Reilly, it was mentioned that " our president is a Socialist and most of the public doesn't know it. In fact, recent statistical data from on University source says 49% of the public, when scientifically polled, doesn't know what "Socialism" is or what it does. " It just sounds cool.
     Another polling company today said for the first time in our history, the majority of Americans do NOT believe in Capitalism, the majority believes Socialism should take first place, yet, most don't understand what it is.
     Hillary Clinton, in a debate was asked about gun control and her take on Australia's ability on handing guns. ( last year, total confiscation, no exceptions) Her answer, " I'll have to consider it once I'm in office."
     Obama has stepped in to Unisex bathrooms in public schools. That means sexually confused young men showering in your daughter's locker rooms at school, after tennis practice. First time for everything.
     The Prez has stripped the military out of  Billion dollars of funds, so much so they are de-nuding good airplanes in storage for parts, just to keep what's left of their flying units in the air. He also has frustrated the hell out of the military theater commanders by ordering them NOT TO FIRE back on enemies unless our attorneys are consulted first. Strict orders have been issued they re NOT allowed to fire back.
     Apparently this has increased our casualty count. George Bush spent/spends a lot of time with the American soldier wounded in battle. Obama spends a lot of time on the golf course. All of the Generals on staff when he walked into office have been fired, retired or demoted out of Washington. Compliant, manipulative, controllable senior officers gliding through to their retirement have been placed in positions where they can be counted on by Obama to "yes" him to death when needed. On occasion, stories float down Constitution Avenue about such times, and the aftermath of his obtuseness and subsequent foul ups.
     Koskinen at the IRS, the VA from General Kinsecki onward, and the plethora of Federal Agencies showed by media stories of ineptitude, waste, fraud, cheating, abuse and lying, pepper the national conscience to a state of epidemic depression.
     Despite the Big-Lie on the Economic Front, recent studies show about two thirds of all Americans cannot raise a measely grant for a hospital bill, car accident or other emergency. That goes for practically ANYONE in practically any income bracket.
     Race relations are at an all-time crappy low, and I can be an accurate judge of that, having grown up in south Philadelphia during the 60's. Black gangs roamed my school from elementary to senior high school from 3 grade to graduation day. It was a tough way to live in the 50s. (...the good ole days, my foot. It was the " Blackboard Jungle).

Thursday, May 19, 2016


I just got off the phone with the childrens' hospital in the Midwest. They were asking me for donations. Patiently, I explained my wife and I are living off Social Security, as many millions of you out there are. ( Thanks to the crash of 2008/09)
    Anyway, I said that in spite of that I manage to send St Judes a token every few months motivated by my heart break over those kids. He told me that the survival rate of those precious children has risen fron 30% in the 60's to 80% as of now.
    I confessed that it broke my heart to hear of the death of one of the young girls on their commercials: she was the one that looked into the camera and said, "if you give to St. Jude and they find a cure for cancer, we won't have to go through this any more."
   She died a few months ago. I fell apart. I felt so badly for that child for so long.
   Marlo Thomas runs the place, actress, activist for this cause, I hear from the caller she was there as a child, running around the hospital in a sun dress as a child, now the CEO. I don't know how she does it.
   She watches 20-% of those kids die every year. What guts. I couldn't do it, I just don't have what it takes to handle that load of grief and loss.  (And, I thought I didn't have what it took to be a Marine!! )
   I'm cutting a check to the hospital tomorrow morning, what the hell, it won't be much. But, from 30 to 80% ?? Maybe my little piddling amount .....I just can't stand the thought of sitting by and doing NOTHING.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Cartoons on Guns and GUN CONTROL

The cartoon was about gun violence with Obama in the first panel moaning about it running rampant in the country. He says, I've got to do something to help make people safer.
    The second panel shows him with the statue of the Patriot standing next to him, covered with presidential citations that say, " Presidential Citations'' labeled Gun Control Edicts covering the entire face of the statue.
    In that 2nd panel, he says, " There, that will make the people feel safer." (sure.)
    In the latest AARP monthly newsletter, an article outlining the rapid growth of handguns in the elderly community in America, NOT rifles - handguns - big ones. It said the reason the retired market is buying handguns is " they've become jittery " what with the rise of world-wide violence and domestic unrest.
    AUSTRALIA has demanded a total ban on guns, issued an edict to turn them in or go to jail. Apparently, the sheep (citizens) have done just that. Press from down under has published photos of tractor trailers jammed with guns of all types on the way to....we assume destruction. But, it was unclear. Press reports from Sydney tell the public, " you have one last chance to turn in your guns, or face JAIL." (emphasis mine).
    HILLARY CLINTON, presumed Democratic Presidential Candidate, while campaigning in the mid-west, was asked the question about her probably policy on gun control if/when elected to the presidency. She replied that she would probably " heavily consider the Australian system."
    We know the Aussie System as Gun Confiscation by the central government, which the National Rifle Association has been warning America for at least the last 30 years. Now, the Queen of Benghazi, openly declares it's on the table if elected to the most powerful position in the world.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


You may think this a light subject. Think again. Long ago, Alan Alda from M.A.S.H. fame was interviewed about the national hatred over actress Jane Fonda. She had committed the ultimate sins in the minds of most Americans with her visits to the North Vietnamese POW camp holding our American aviators, harassing them with Ramsey Clarke.
     Alda, shot back to the interviewer saying we should separate the artist from the political views the artist holds. OK, I'll bite.
     That seems to hold for most of the leftists in Hollywood who helped destroy the nationalist attitude we had during Vietnam. Most have enjoyed a resurgence of their careers, keeping their mouths shut.
     All except Fonda. Ever since, her "re-entry" into show biz, every movie she's appeared in has tanked at the box office. It appears that her name on the marquee guarantees snores at the box office.
     In the spirit of forgiveness, maybe Alda is right. Being American should allow us to draw a line to separate the difference between honest opinions (`1st Amendment) and those who would actively attempt to disrupt our ability to prosecute a war, destabilize our efforts by ANY means, and cause civil unrest and/or our defeat.
     The actor Donald Sutherland jumps to mind. He followed Fonda around during the anti-war rioting phase like a loose puppy dog. It seems to me, IMO, that once he saw the public ire rising up against her, he faded into the background, and thought of the long haul - his career. Wise move.
     He now represents Delta Airlines in their commercials. Young kids today don't know this because they hardly know anything about that history.
     The general movie going public pays far too much attention to what ANY of the glitterati says in public. Giving any weight to what they say, in my opinion, is foolish.
     They're actors, folks. As Sir Laurence Olivier once said of his profession: our job is to fool you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


It's not Craigslist fault, first off, everybody advertises everything there, from Reno, Nevada to Rome, Italy. How in hell can you expect them to inspect and vet everything. I don't. my opinion, it is there.
     What do we call this? Prostitution, hookers, ladies of the night, ....what? So far as I know no one ever talked about money changing hands for anything.
      First, an American term, Hookers. It first saw the light of day during the American Civil War when the female camp followers trailed the any of Union General Joseph Hooker. Everywhere he went, the girls followed, They became known as Hookers girls, hence 'Hookers.'
      It stuck.
     Three friends of mine, I'll call them Colorado, Philly and Portland, cause that's where they live, have all tried their damndest to "hook up" with some lovely, pliable, willing, good looking agreeable females on Craigslist women-looking-for-men section.  All have run a fowl of the same problems.
      These "ladies" all say they ''FEAR' for their safety, and want them to register on a website and should they survive the background check, " sure, come on over and let's have a lot of SEX!!"
       Colorado let his little head rule his big head and put in his credit card number, and his cell phone went off, two minutes later with a bank alarm screaming ALERT...ALERT. Call us, Security Breach.
       He did, Turns out, he got hacked to the tune of a hundred bucks. Guess who?
       I quickly called the other two guys and warned them - they backed off. Then the e/mails really piled up. Portland said that one girl e/m him saying go to an adult shop that he knew of and "meet her there." ( No show). It was a well known bust out shop that had been raided and arrests had been made there before.
      " The girls voices were course and rough," he told me. " Each one of them sounded like she had been beaten up, or abused, they had a nasty sounding streak in them. They were tough babes, "  he told me. When they dragged them out into the police truck, they hardly had any clothes on at all, he said.  (I don't know WHAT he was expecting - a princess?)  desperate are we getting? Sexual contact between men and women has been going on since Adam & Eve and society has busted a gut trying to regulate it. We've passed laws trying to be the Sex Police, getting the public to conform to what OUR interpretation of sexual mores should be.

      The lives we are ruining by nailing people to a cross for nothing more than what two people, ....
two adults agree to do WITH each other in a bedroom is none of my business, your business and should be left alone. That's my view.  Admittedly sex  trafficking in children has go to the front of the line for police and prosecution attention. It is the root of all evil. That's where you start in my opinion. NO man (or woman) would dare defile a child.
      None of my three buddies got arrested got a phone call or a stop-by. So, big brother was not listening, or, considered it a no-big-deal. Did I mention that at no time, anyone mentioned MONEY?  This, as far as it went for my 3 Buds, was consensual lust, and nothing more.

Friday, March 11, 2016



Monday, January 25, 2016


I had run the gamut of the hotel sales, marketing and management ladder while in Tucson years back. About five years had been wasted in the second oldest Ramada ever built at I-10 on the Freeway in downtown Tucson.
     It was a dump. At the time, Ramada (not long for this world at the time) had dumped no money into it, choosing to favor the "flagship" twin on Thomas Avenue in Phoenix. I was left to work miracles in Tucson with the plasterboard palace.  So, I did.
     After 5 years, I got the message, left, and within Tucson, went on to much bigger things. About ten years later, I got a call from Ramada management in Phoenix wanting to meet with me at their hotel and have a TALK. So, I met over lunch with the current general manager and the current vice president.
     At that stage of my life, I was much more grisly, street smart (well, kinda) and loaded for bear. In short, they offered me my old job back at a reasonable salary. I countered with one exception.
     I wanted an employment contract. There had been 11 people in my old positions since I had left. I wanted assurances. A one year severance package in case we ' fell out of love ' with each other in a binding document run by my lawyers - and theirs.
     No dice. I walked.
     My mistake, I did NOT walk away from the business elsewhere. I did NOT change course in my career to other fields to make real money for myself. I continued in the hospitality business and made millions for convention hotels, resorts, etc, and did not have the sense to carve out a piece of the lucrative racket for me.
     And, when I did - Radisson, they refused to give it to me.
     That's why I no longer consider myself a hotelier.