Thursday, November 24, 2016


It has been written that an American college in the mid-west published a notice to their students, as a result of the Trump election, WHAT WILL WE TELL OUR CHILDREN?
     Apparently, the initial "hysteria" of our juvenile generation has, as of this Thanksgiving Day begun to wind down. It is noted that Michelle Obama once said
" I am now proud of my country," once Barack was elected.
     In that vein, I confess I am embarrassed by my fellow countrymen and their reaction to the election of President Elect Donald Trump.
     The temper tantrums above to almost nightly riots have lowered civil discourse and most probably shaken allies confidence in us around the world. Between Obama's
 terms in office, when the effects of his politics were most sorely felt here and around the world, I had the opportunity as a Docent in a museum to speak to Europeans and Asians visiting that museum.
     The majority of them expressed to me grave concern over our elections and the hopes that we might turn OUT Obama for someone else - frankly, ANYONE else. The effect of his policies, they explained, were affecting them all, financially.
     It is important to recall what Obama told McCain shortly after his election, in front of live TV cameras.
    Bluntly, he said, " John, the election is over. I won."
    Good advice for everyone else.

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