Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Thousand Year Reich - Part XXVV11

The Englsh, bless their hearts, kept many of the captured German Generals and top command staff in secret during the war in somewhat luxury accomodgbugged their convesation. What appears to be solid evidence of war crimes and attrocities beyond belief, emphasis of BEYOND BELIEF, if that Churchill authorized the bugging, they got tons of exculpatory evidence, had enough to hang these guys ten X over, and at the end of the war, buried it. The scoop? Mixed, some of the Germans Generals actually DIDN'T know what was going on, some hated it, some refused to go along and walked out on purpose. Those that did, sat in this luxury prison in England and were shunned by some of the Nazi loyalists.It was a real mixed bag. Bottom line, as we say in the USA? So many of the prisoners were in the dark, geniunely upset, felt so guilty, contemplating suicide for communal guilt, that, at the end of the war, Churchill, buried the project and let most of them slide. Amazing, yes? One of the SS Generals was quoted as saying, " The Thousand Year Reich? OUR SHAME WILL LAST A THOUSAND YEARS, that is all we will get out of this!!" Perhaps he is right. Here we are almost 70 years after the fact, and as statistics indicate, 50 books (fifty) a month are published about World War Two. The interest (?) does not die. When I was a docent in the Tucson B-17g Museum, a woman screamed and cried the other side of the display. As I ran to give assisstance, I met her crumpled on the floor, crying. She pointed to one large picture on the wall, and a black and white crew photo underneath it. " That's my father's plane, " she sobbed " and that's his picture, he was 20 years old when he was shot down over Germany. I never got to see him, " she cried. ###