Friday, June 28, 2013

Conscientious Objectors

During the War, 1% of all British draftees declared moral or political grounds for evading the draft and said they were Conscientious Objectors. Some were jailed, others excused, it was a case-by-case basis as we on this side of the pond like to characterize it. Some were given public service and the
" conchies" were glad to take it.
     In America, less than .01% of the citizenry declared CO status, all of the draftees went, the government granted zero dismissals. Options here were jail, public service, medical experimentation, such as typhus, hepatitis, sleep deprivation, and military support.
     Both Britain and the US had COs in combat, the Brits ambulance corps was made up of one third COs on D-Day. They called it "counter-violence." A lot of them volunteered for bomb disposal.
     Three American COs won the Medal Of Honor, our country's highest combat award, two of them died in the attempt.
     Just sayin.'