Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Things People Tell Me: Banking, Courteous to Customers - ARGH!! It "Ain...

Things People Tell Me: Banking, Courteous to Customers - ARGH!! It "Ain...: What seems now to be a hundred years ago, my ancient grandfather said he didn't trust banks. He lived through the great Depression of 19...

Banking, Courteous to Customers - ARGH!! It "Aint' so good anymore

What seems now to be a hundred years ago, my ancient grandfather said he didn't trust banks. He lived through the great Depression of 1929, lost everything as he watched the big wigs of industry finger ticker tape losses then bail out multi-story windows and splash their bodies and blood on sidewalks below. 
     He survived. Losing everything, oil baron that he was, he survived, hung in there and provided for his family by selling cleaning supplies to banks and washing floors til his death at 93. He worked until 5 days before he died. He set the standard for us.
     I wish he was still around for the punks that litter American corporations today, at least the people that are in American Corporations.. 
     Take large banks. Oh, try grabbing up those " easy " commercials you see on TV where you can re-fi your homes by just picking up the phone, sign a few papers and enjoy the cash that floats back to you like a magic carpet.
     The reality: by my lights, you are in for the hassle of your life. I thought used car salespeople were awful. Say no to them and one could endure as many as 13 phone calls from bank sales people up to vice presidents - all one day. 
     The last straw was one where I threatened to call the police and file a threatening complaint. That seemed to stop it. One "Mortgage " company headquartered in the mid west was initially cooperative, when I bowed out, they turned hostile. Angered and resentful, the phone calls streamed in. Their TV ads feature their smiling president. Him, I didn't hear from The second mortgage company holds my mortgage, their rates were out of site. The smiley rep, threw rates off the wall, and assumed because we were in our 70's, we somehow had entered senility. 
     I hate that. Deluged by barrels of complicated paperwork, I tossed him aside and went for #3. That was 3 months ago. Largest of the 6 banks mentioned in the movie "Too Big to Fail," it is any wonder they didn't. Famous on Wall Street for "smoke Stacking" no one seems to know on the inside what anyone else on their own inside is doing. After threatening them with competitor #4, they gave me what I wanted, then didn't return my phone calls. 
    No one at any of the 3 large financial institutions showed the least interest in courtesy, respect for our intelligence. They all talked down to us, like we were ignorant farmers. No one apologized for delays, missed appointments, lack of follow-up, breach of etiquette. Some were outright rude.
    I'm going to a credit Union on Monday.