Sunday, March 16, 2014

Adam Walsh (America's Most Wanted) on Gun Control

ok, so I've overdone it a bit, But, you get idea. the idea, right? On Gun Control, certain people make a whole lot of sense, others don't. Ford was right. Back then, the Indians eventually took it on the chin. Confined to "reservations" denuded of some weapons, and allowed to hunt on ancestral lands, they did so, feeling confined as such. 
Never mind, Ford went on with Lindbergh to try and make a "deal" with Hitler, but.....never mind, that's besides the point. I digress.
Adam Walsh, famed grieving father of America's Most Wanted, and frankly most loved for getting one helluva lot of outlaws off our streets, has begun to venture off the beaten path and into the political realm of commentary. In my opinion, he does this, as many of the Hollywood Illuminati do, mistaking their fame for innate intellligence, expounding their "God-given Intelligence" on public issues for which they are not equipped to handle. Forth with - Walsh on Gun Control.
His latest gambit is 85% on target with yours truly, yet he strays with this, " No one needs an AK-47. You can't hunt with an AK-47, there is no reason in the world to own one." To compound this fractured nonsense, my own Best Friend (capitals inferred) living in Florida used almost the same words recently.
My point: " don't need an AK 17? " Oh no? Who says? You? Who sets up the rules? You? Walsh? Oh, the government, that's right, we're going to give THE GOVERNMENT THE RIGHT TO CONTROL whether we can have an AK-47, . Sure. I ask you this, describe accurately what is an 'ASSAULT RIFLE?'
Name one  by brand or caliber. Bet you can't.  If you trust ANY form of government to do it, you're in danger, cause they will screw it up. Don't think so? How's your healthcare plan working?
I don't want Adam Walsh OR my best friend in Florida telling me OR YOU wthat I know I am constitutionally permitted to buy and own..The Second Amendment tells me what I am allowed to do. Take that away and there will be no stopping them. Don't think so?Check with Connecticut to see if they have begun to lock up a couple of hundred thousand formerly honest gun owning citizens? The Police have THREATENED to go house-to-house to confiscate their guns. And we thought the S.S. days had gone by, eh? Check back with Crimea in six months and count how many have faced the firing squads? First thing they did was take the guns away from their Army.###