Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Feminism - The War Against Men

"Good Men are like parking spaces - they are all taken," one woman said in group therapy. She almost sit it out though teeth clamped shut. Another, " Yeah, either, gay, married, or lying about both." 
   A third woman chimed in, " my luck? I seem to run into married guys who lie about being married AND gay and they can't face telling the wife, sleep with me and then confess to ME...Jesus!! Thanks a lot!! Now I gotta wonder where he's been with that thing?"
   Women who lose their husbands because they strayed, are as angry ten years later as they were the day the divorce was final. Think of it, as angry THE DAY ten years LATER!! Wasted time. Stuck. "I'll never trust again," some have said with clenched fists. I've seen it. And...they don't.
   Television shows have emerged now in the 21st Century that dwell on women who emotionally snap and kill their male spouse. "Snapped" runs on a cable TV all night long one day a week outlining coast-to-coast stories of murder, mayhem, blood and revenge of women over the edge and bodies of their male victims. "Snapped" is not the cause, merely the symptom. 
   Feminism, some counter, have made it alright to not only fight back, but to chuck the feminine ways and wiles American women have carried for centuries, picking up axes, guns and knives and literally striking down emotional and/or physical tormentors.
   In some cases women have now become as bad, or worse, as their male counterparts. This is getting horrific.
   Male thugs in our society have not yet learned two elements in their relationships with women that would turn off this growing trend: far less alcohol, and more respect for the gentler sex. For instance, women are NOT "Bitches."
   And, for women scorned, men do have deep wounds when they fall in love and lose their mates. They hardly ever show it. More about that later. Both sides have to learn to live with each other, it is a small planet, and we know that a warm, lose relationship with someone of the opposite sex is really one of the three KEY things we all want out of life.
   We need to stop yelling, and hitting, and calling names, and hurting feelings. And we need to listen to each other more. Be quiet...and listen.

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