Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pistols, Handguns, and all things about carrying them

In Alaska, there are three handgun training centers operated by governmental facilities, usually the state police, or the local city government: Fairbanks, Anchorage, and like the guy from Texas, can't remember the third.
    The NRA sponsors instructors who come from one of those centers to travel the lower 48 to TRAIN local police department handgun instructors on how to safely handle pistols for patrol officers in the street.
    By accident, as usual for me, I met the guy, last night in the B-17 Museum while on duty as a docent. What an interesting conversation.
    Alaska, you may know, is one of the states, like Arizona with an open carry lack of laws, that is to say, " you got a gun - go right a head and carry it. No permits, no licenses, no by-your-leave. If you feel so inclined to feel the need, or threatened - do it. The only proviso is you must NOT be a convicted felon, just like in Arizona. IF they catch you, convicted felons, with a pistol, bad things happen.
   However, as logic and day follows the night, the bad guys don't listen to the law, anyway. So honest Alaskans like Arizonans can carry pistols open or hidden at their pleasure.
   I asked the question of him, my Alaskan friend: Since your laws have been dropped, has gun violence gone up, or down? Down, he said. All police in Alaska report that it is quieter. " It's strange...we've become a more polite state," he quipped.

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