Sunday, August 12, 2012

Russian Handguns ......Move to liberalise their laws

I am told their is a law moving within one of the Russian dumas to liberalise their laws to allow the carrying of handguns within their legal "state." Russian guests at our B-17 Museum here in Tucson have told me that lawlessness has reached such a level that gun-crimes are beyond the capabilities of the local Russian police to handle them.
     The "bill" before the Duma (I don't know if I have that spelling right) says that all citizens must have firearms training before acquiring a pistol, a small fee,and free bullets are being discussed.
      The Russians I have encountered are a little hesitant about it, but do see the necessity of it as most are frightened of being unarmed in the face of the viciousness of the "outlaws" they say break into their homes and terrorize their women.

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