Monday, January 14, 2013

Obama's GUN LAWS - will they work?

I don't think so. New York City always has the toughest gun laws in America. Remember Colin Ferguson the rider on the Long Island Railroad? He had a couple of automatics and pockets full of clips for his two pistols. The LIIR train  carried him to his Long Island home late on night and he casually wandered the train shooting people, RELOADING AT WILL, and the crowded train, just sat there, no one could fight back.
     No one had a gun. No one in the entire train was armed, they were following New York's tough anti-gun law. Because of that, Ferguson roamed the train at will, killing untold passengers until someone unarmed, tackled him and others piled on. That was brave.
     Recently a mother hid in the rafters of her home with her children and a six-gun. An intruder broke in, found her and attacked. She emptied the gun into him, he backed off and fled. He was still able to leave and drive his car with six slugs in him. Imagine. But she defended her children, herself and her home.
     Obama's gun laws MAY eviscerate the 2nd Amendment tomorrow by Executive Order. May.
If successful, if he neuters the Constitution by fiat, what can be next?
     Possibly the first..

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