Friday, March 14, 2014

Women in Combat - now on the front lines

We were told, as of this morning, that our young American women could be admitted into the ranks of front line combat troops.
    Television reporters showed clips of young women being trained in combat drills handling mortars, machine gun train-fire attacks, and other combat unit exercises. The report went on to outline in matter-of-fact detail, "now that women have been given the green light to join men in front line combat roles," we got to see them shooting weapons.
    It concentrated on solely weight requirements: can they lift this, can they move that. 
    Nothing on the psychological implications of our young women sent back from the front lines with both legs blown off. No word on how attractive young ladies handle the rest of their lives after being gang-raped by a horde of enemy soldiers.e
    I've never seen reported on TV any information about other nations with women in combat, the effects on them, success, or failure. Have You?? I knew Israel had their women in combat at one time, but nothing since? 
    The fact that our women were allowed into combat AT ALL came as a surprise and shock to me. Where was the public discussion? Where was the public input? These days, the least little ripple in the public fabric draws wide public outcry: that punk Justin, a missing plane on the other side of the globe, what an alcoholic actress wears to her latest trial...but our women NOW allowed in combat and we get NO PUBLIC NOTICE??
    Oh, yes, the women will get plenty of late night guard duty, there is the prospect of the glass ceiling, hours, days and foreverness of KP duty, cleaning the Loo, and other crap duties the male Sergeants will assign them, to be sure. And, as any military NCOs will tell you, the sexual assaults inside the the outfits are on the rise - are skyrocketing. 
    A real headache for the commanders, a new headache they never had before, but what the hell, times are changing, and we have to change with them. The war on women continues, even if they insist on it. 
    And what about the men who are old-fashioned, who feel that woman-hood must be protected, adored, loved, shielded from the ugliness of the world? What of them? The men who volunteer to marry, love, honor, obey, sign up for the military, go away and fight for country, wife and children.
    Simple: ignore them, their values, and call them names. How dare they exist in this brave new world. 

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