Saturday, August 29, 2015

Dead Men Tell No Tales, see

except of barges with red sails,
and sailors mad for nightingales

Except of jongoleurs stretched at ease
beside old highways through the trees;

Except of dying moons that break
the hearts of lads who lie awake.

Except of fortresses in shade,
and heroes crumbled and betrayed.

Except old tales that burn away,
the stifling tapestries of day.

Old tales of life and love and fate,
Of time and space of will and fate.

Friday, August 7, 2015


In my view, never has the country been so blessed as now. What a rich field of candidates we have! 
       My pick? Marco, Carli, Christie, Dr. Ben, Donald. Any, ......all could beat up Our Lady of Benghazi. However, I feel it is coming time for Donald to salt the rhetoric with a few more details on the grand plan.
       He won't do it yet, probably citing, " I'll do it when the lady from Benghazi does." And, I wouldn't blame him. I enjoyed Trump's beating up Chris Wallace last night, he deserved it. Ditto wailing on the blonde.

Sunday, August 2, 2015


  • before he became president, I met Bill.Clinton at the Radisson Hotel in Denver. Gregarious. I worked on the sales staff there. On of my colleagues had a blue water pistol and told the Secret Service he wanted to speak to Clinton in the kitchen. He was " detained " while he ran through his stockpile of Clinton Jokes
  • Al Gore showed up later and I got to press the flesh with him, same hotel. He warms up to the ladies in the reception line. Sprinklers went off during the night and they had to get him out of thee.
  • Rev Ben Weir, Lebanese hostage came to town and I met him at a speech he gave. I asked him if he genuinely forgave his captors. " yes I believe I have."
  • G. Gordon Liddy was standing next to me at a lecture at the University of Arizona when a wild eyed kid said, " aren't you afraid someone might stab you?" George replied, poking his pen right n the kid's face: " no, he's in far more danger han I am. Id jam this pen up his nose into his brain and cripple him for life."  The kid left abruptly.
  • My job at National Airlines in the 60's was to get the guests for Mike Douglas TV show from the airport to their hotel, then to the studio, and introduce them to the producer. Commander Lloyd Bucker of the USS Pueblo was late getting up, so I rousted outta bed at his hotel  into my car and the 4 block drive to NBC studios in Philadelphia. We just made the deadline. I got to Tell him how proud I was of him and his crew.
  • The traditional Army Navy game at Municipal Stadium in south Philadelphia had the usual crowds. I was there selling Bulletin newspapers. President Harry Truman rolled in, halted the car, window down and hollered, " C'mere kid. I'd like one of your papers." Damn, no photographer to capture the moments.
  • More later

Saturday, August 1, 2015


Travel Gate?....the files on her desk?  C'mon people, you're not that stupid. How about when she left the White House? She left with a lot of the Silverware.......and the art hanging on the walls?
     You people out there don't RECALL THAT?  You can't be that stupid. When they left, Clintons people drained bottles of Elmers glue into the computer key boards destroying them.
     I've got the press clippings. I don't forget anything. How about the 200 crooks Slick Willie let go on the last day of his term? He commuted the sentences of those crooks.
     I've got the list. You can also get it it's on the internet.
     And a lot of you want TO VOTE HILLARY?
Don't you people read, research? My God, at least read the polls of what YOU, the American people think, that is IF YOU THINK.
    Unless you've all swallowed the Karl Marx tonic, failed to graduate high school, or got knocked over the head, GROW THE FUCK UP.


  • The year before I was born, my father and mother went to the World's Fair in New York City, took pictures. In 1963 ( I think) I went to the same area in New York where the World's Fair was being held, took my kids and shot pictures. Showed them to Mom and Dad. Wow, they said, things change.
  • I've been to the top of the tower in Seattle, same in New York. 
  • I've been to the top of Pike's Peak (almost fell over - lack of oxygen)
  • Been to the Vatican - twice - renewed my faith there. Was down in the cellar to say hello to all the dead Popes. I met Pope Paul, once, in New York, briefly. He was there when the Pieta came to Manhattan.
  • No kidding, I literally bumped into Pope John Paul on the street in Denver. He was at the end of a long line of Cardinals awaiting the go signal to file into the Cathedral. He looked tired, no security around him which I thought was unusual. I said hello and offered to get him a chair while he was waiting. He was very grateful, but the line started before I got back with water and the chair. What a great guy.
  • Astounded by Rome, breathtaking. I was inside the prison cells in the Coliseum where the Christians had to wait before being thrown to the lions. 
  • Munich, I stood on the steps of the Reich's bldg Hitler used as his back drop for his craziness.
  • I've been to the Alamo three times and in my heart, wished I had been there with them. One more rifle, it could have made the difference.
  • I flew right seat - ONCE - in a B-17. There's something in my heart that tugs at me about that airplane. I know every inch of the fortress and the 13 guns on board. It's like a ghost in my closet.
  • Every time I see a newscast of the English Parliament, and the Prime Minister addressing the
    Body, he stands there with his hand on a box on that table. That's English Law. I'll always remember the day I walked through that room with a friend and was allowed to stand right there, and place my hand on that very box, courtesy of the Lord Chancellor of the Exchequer.
  • More to come, on the public record.
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