Saturday, December 17, 2016


I am amazed at some of my fellow Americans.....and embarassed. And ashamed. Like a crowd of 4th graders weeping over the home room teacher denying them recess because they misbehaved, their temper tantrums bounce off the walls of both oceans.
      A few television stations dare to run Mrs Clintons's diatribes, and her flip flops on the news, contrdicting everything she has said Our schools screech out to our children during class time, " what do we tell our children."?
       Hollywood types organized, it is reported, by a former Clinton aide Van Jones, roll on a public service announcement asking the public to pressure the Electoral college people in their zip codes to DENY THEIR AVOWED VOTES ON TRUMP AND SWITCH.
       No print media that I have seen has bothered to print the names of the "public figures that appeared on that PSA urging our Electors to defect against OUR wishes and vote for Clinton instead, But I did recognize anti-war activist and some-time actor Martin Sheen, and a very beautiful red headed actress who played in a TV series. Her name escapes me.
       America, GET A GRIP. Some segments of our country have to cowboy up and get on with it. You didn't see this kind of baby behavior after Obama was elected the first time, DID YOU? After the second time, a national depression maybe, but no hysterical outcry.
       Whoopi Goldberg, and nearly a dozen other "luminaries" not including those on the TV ad urging our electors to vote against our wishes, all said they would move TO CANADA if Mr Trump was elected. Well, he has been. I suggest, we, the deplorable, encourage all those who now detest our country, encourage them to move to Canada, thereby raising the IQ of both countries at the same time......What do you think?
                        He says he is one that will move to Canada if Trump is elected!!  By, Al.

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