Sunday, May 12, 2013

Petition for "REASONABLE" Gun Laws

In the Walmart Parking lot here in Tucson, the same one where there was a gang related shooting not a week ago, I was approached by a young Hispanic woman with a petition this morning.
    It is Mother's Day 2013.
    She says it is one in which she asks 5 questions ( all front loaded btw) with answers pre-supposed with answers leading to agree with "Reasonable Gun Law" conclusions of the Mark Kelly & Gabrielle Giffords Gun Control effort headquartered here in Tucson.
    Since her attempted assassination some time back by the delirious and nutty young man with a pistol, Mark Kelly has purchased an AR 15 and a handgun here locally, been photographed doing it, and now is organizing a nation wide movement TO BAN THE VERY WEAPONS HE JUST BOUGHT.
    I have stated previously I have no quarrel with Mark. Any man who shoots my wife in the face would drive me over the edge, so, his actions, - whatever they are - to me, are totally understandable.
    BUT, insofar as they affect the rest of us, no.
         LET'S BE CLEAR: the 2nd amendment says, "shall not be infringed." That is not very confusing. It is not how high, what color, who can and who cannot, what color you are, as long as you are an adult, a citizen, not a felon, you can own firearms.
         Period. " SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."
         Let's get something else cleared up. The lunatic left often burst out in flamed with rantings like, - " whadda you want - a flame thrower, a bazooka, a tank?"  Those things are already ILLEGAL. Lastly, the much bally-hooed AR-15 is a scary looking gun but it is nothing more than a souped up .22 rifle. There are other long rifles more powerful that have been legal for decades.
         THE REAL QUESTION " REASONABLE GUN LAW ENTHUSIASTS" SHOULD BE IS THIS - we should want to pass laws that are effective. i.e. actually work.
          Back to the little girl in the parking lot. This is what she DID NOT KNOW:
  • what the 2nd amendment actually said
  • what the term slippery slope meant
  • what the first amendment said
  • what the initials on my cap meant (NRA)
  • what the term "Gun Confiscation Meant"
  • and when I told her, she freaked out, " oh,I don't LIKE that!!"

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