Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The S.S. World War II - the German side of the War, fun facts I'll bet you didn't know

Adolph's boys grew to about 200,000 around the start of the War and had little or nothing to do except be a pain in the ass to Jewish people and other folks that got in the way of the psychotic little corporal who wheezled his way to the top. ( Many of his generals, BTW, called him " the corporal" behind his back). Anyhow, the SS were his personal bodyguards b'cuz he didn't trust anyone. Alot of those guys really didn't WANT the job, but threats, intimidation, and " I'll kill your family " went along way to helping them to wear the uniform. Many top brass in SS, were DOCTORS, LAWYERS, college professors, a few surgeons, Human Resourse Managers from local German businesses and other like minded draftees who found themselves caught in the whirlwind of the insanity. True, some became nutballs and low-foreheaded knuckle draggers like Martin Borman who loved the killing, but research shows some HATED it, and some deserted by running away, others blew their brains out. In depth history reveals som SS officers went quietly man, disappearing early in the war, never to be found. Some appeared later, dead by their own hand, or killed by fellow Nazis in other countries. The old SS officers still hold yearly conventions today, somewhere in the Alps, quietly. One great story was one of the SS companies closest to Hitler that was being punished for some such infraction - His Stupidity-ness sent them to fight on the Russian front. They suffered horrendous casualties, but managed to survive. Hitler still berated them, ordering them to declass their unit from an honor badge he had awarded their whole brigade. They all became so incensed at the disrespect from Der Fuh, they took off all the presentation medals, dropped them into a LATRINE bucket full of excrement and shipped it back - direct to Hitler. No word as to the fate of his entire elite unit, but one suspects he left them on the Russian Front,to their demise, capture by the Russians, ergo to their deaths. ###

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