Thursday, February 13, 2014

Gen Y - Secrets of the young.......( what they DON'T say )

    • Companies that don't hire them will rue the day: maybe they don't have as much money as older folks, but they have higher expectations of service. and complain the loudest - read RUDEST. Look for social platforms to carry your company's critique.
    • They live with mom and dad? what? Wanna make sompin' of it? If they're under 26, they don't seem to give a damn about moving back in AND, they're tough to get rid of. Don't think so? Ever watch Dr. Phil? 1/3 of his show devoted to 21 - 26 year old moochers and Moms trying to untie the knot. 
    • Buying them a car as a bribe doesn't seem to work. Their age group drives less miles per capital than previous measured. Why? Probably wedded to gadgets, sitting in the corner. Man caves.
    • Graduate students, professional students, forever in school, studying their lives away, away from what? Away from life, challenges, paying taxes, reality, marriage, kids, military service, what an existence in America is all about, it is supposed. 
    • Hiring Millennial, as they are called, not such a good idea. They work for a few years and quit. Show up at interviews ill-dressed, office etiquette inappropriate (jus' saying'), bad time management - like, ah, social media on the computers, ya know?
    • Drug problems; their age group, according to the CDC reports say it is most likely depression meds. Screen them. Other stuff in there, too, but this group, more possible than most.
    • Attitude problems: --- don't think so? " if you think we're screwed up, we were raised by our Hippie, drug-addled parents." And, many of us who lived through that era who never took drugs would agree. PS, the narcissistic factor index measured by University studies for these kids reads nearly off the charts.
    • They tend to vote Democratic and shun Republicans. Who knew?
Thanks to the Wall Street Journal for the inspiration to write this piece, gleaned from an inspiration out of their pages over a year ago. 

1 comment:

  1. my favorite youngster retort is " I stole your drugs, cause you do it (scripts)." What we should tell them was how, why, and what we went through to EARN the right to take those prescriptions. 3 am feedings, cops returning them in a squad car, teachers meetings about truant behavior, nose-to-nose meetings over report cards, anti-war flame-out teachers at schools decrying traditional values (rubs off on kids).
