Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Interviews............Bill O'Reilly Fox News and Others

I have two basic problems with interviews other than the interviewers:

  1. The questions thrown at person being interviewed and get a shifty NON- answer. Case in point, " Senator, when did you stop beating your wife?" And after an appropriate amount of wrestling around in his seat, " ah...what time did you say the interview was over? I have to catch a train," ...polite smile and inquisitive look ensues.
  2. Next area of deep concern is the biased interviewer, usually from a news source that no one from the other side of the political spectrum can ever trust: - " ah...Senator...ah, can on the question of spousal abuse you've stated many times, your views on standing strong against spousal abuse, BUT...it has come to our under,standing that local police reports in your neighborhood say frequent police calls to your very house indicate you, yourself have been beating up your wife. 
Therefore, when Bill O'Reilly interviews Preaident Obama, asks a question, and the room gets filled with a lot of smoke, I wonder which planet we are on.
   Americans, where are your senses? I went to school where my teacher asked me a question, I gave him/her a DIRECT answer. No BS, no tap dance, Black is black, white is white, 4 o'clock is 4 o'clock, etcetera. 
   I dunno, I wasn't there, could have fooled me, I'll check with the department head, Lemme make a not - DOES NOT CUT IT. It does not matter one twit whether it's Mr. Obama, Mr Biden, Jack the Giant Killer, Sean Hannity or your local baseball coach. 
   The guy sitting in that chair has GOT TO HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS WHEN SOMEONE ASKS THE QUESTIONS, AND he answers to us, not the other way around. 
   And, as of the Senate Hearing, the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is disqualified to sit in that seat for reasons stated above.

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