Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Re-Fi mortgages

No matter what mortgage brokers, or more properly, sales people tell you, whatever they say, it will usually be

  • an overstatement if they are trying to entice you about something good
  • or an understatement if there is a hitch
  • it will take at least twice to three times AS LONG to finish up - ask the question, neighbor and then, whatever they say, add two months to it.
  • ask for references from them, and watch their eyes. If they dart down and away, " DANGER, WILL ROBINSON - DANGER." (...they lie)
  • whatever fees are mentioned, write them down on your own note pad. 
  • Get it in writing - DOESN'T MEAN A THING. Getting it in writing guarantees nothing. Every aspect of your contractual agreement can be broken at their will. Your hirng an attorney will cost you your own funds to bring them to heel. 
  • You ultimately will get what you want after frustration city. Look forward to delay after delay after delay.
  • Financial institutions operate in what is known as "smokestack" environments. One department does not know what the other is doing and rarely talk to each other
  • Good Luck

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