Thursday, September 10, 2015


As Hillary's fortunes continue to sink slowly in the country ("liar" and poll numbers), it appears a Senate Sub-committee subpoena may be in the offing. Unless there is political offings going on backstage we will never know about -a-vie husband Willie skating on removal from office a'la Dick Durban and the book " Sell out" a subpoena should put a bullet in the head of her chances for a run at the big house, so I'm informed by political know - it - alls. vis
     Yeah!! Benghazi.
      The judge (whomever the hell he is) supposedly announced his/her decision to NOT remove the offensive Mayor of Baltimore from this case AND refused to allow a change of venue. Assuming nobody aforementioned are not family related (these days,...who knows, IT IS BALTIMORE, YOU KNOW) and they just shelled out 6 million bucks to the family of a drug dealer.
      The lay of the land in that town as I see it is this: it reminds me of an old, lousy western where the hero rides into town, gets involved by accident in a bar brawl, and the crooked sheriff walks in, arrests him, blames him for the trouble, and all the bad guys in the bar say, " yeah, he did it." The town is run by the Mayor and a crooked city council, they try the good guy and get ready to hang him. Even the judge in this western is in on it, he's married to one of the bad guys daughters I'll bet.
     That's about how I see Baltimore right now, throwing the rope over the tree limb, and the trial
hasn't even started yet. Oh, yeah, the jurors will probably be that mob that wrecked the town.
     Syrian refugees are bound to hit our shores. Look for to happen. If Obama says No, he'll change his mind and do it, or let them in quietly. If he says he will let 50,000 in, double that. Do NOT look for them to settle in on Army bases or those Katrina trailers, because that would make sense. Obama will put them on buses and probably ship them all to middle class neighborhoods all over America.
     Mr. Trump is losing his cool. I like him and he could do the job, but he has got to check his mouth when it comes to personal attacks on Republicans. Fiorina would make an ideal VP. Warm Up to the women, Don. They are not pets.

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