Friday, September 11, 2015


..........are beginning to act stupidly. Let it be known I once was a Republican, a William F Buckley conservative Republican. Watched his show, bought the magazine, attended the Wharton School in Philadelphia, Trump was my classmate-same class, same year.
     I was in it to win it. I was not a " frat " man, I of the lower class south Philadelphians had to attend while working my way through on a shoe-string. Howsomever, I graduated in the middle of what was left of the original class. Graduation Day May, 1968, Bill Paley from CBS invoked the go-get-em speech, and I got out there got ....something.
( do not get shot down)

 digress. The Repubs are now doing what was projected - so many qualified, have begun the circus of chewing each other up with silly games and accusations. Trump is the leader, he doesn't give a damn about what they say about him, he's got 10 billion in the bank. He's bullet proof. People love him because he speaks his mind, and nobody else does. His power is his money, it always has been. Everybody else is picking the fly-poop out of the pepper, nagging reporters with the latest weird  sound bite about one of the opponent's newest tie or car. This crap from the Republicans has got to stop, otherwise, the Democratic nightmare will continue with Hillary. She can't be straight with you, even under OATH.
   Worse yet, the Socialist Sanders. I shudder to think. This guy has DECLARED himself to be a Socialist, something Obama has been secretly since he ran for office. " I just want to spread it around a bit." (to Joe the Plumber, remember?)
    You think it's bad NOW? Just wait until Bernie S gets the chair in the White House. He'll start by putting beds in the Senate caucus rooms for the homeless.
     Get behind SOMEBODY, get organized and stick to the program NOW.

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