Thursday, May 26, 2016


Unfortunately, I believe Jesse Watters World has become a reflection of the real world around us. The college kids are stupid. Don't think so? Check out his walk about tonight. " Who fought in
 the Civil War?" he asks of a world class dish. "Russia? and China?" she says without missing a beat? As Jesse has qualified in the past, most of these people come up to him, or, he stops them as a professional mall questionnaire does - every third person, random stops. He does not pick and chose his targets. You should have seen the Harvard Campus. It was so bad, those students, they had to throw him off the campus.
     The point? No wonder Bernie is so high in the polls. NO ONE understands the meaning and consequences of SOCIALISM. Idiots at the helm of our University are not teaching it, just as the public school systems are dumbing down our kids on history. Don't think so, ask your kids where Columbus landed in America. See what you get.
     It is a stain on America that we even HAVE a Socialist on a presidential ticket, let alone serving as a United States Senator. This country was not founded on Socialism, it was free enterprise and capitalism.

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