Sunday, June 19, 2016


FULL DISCLOSURE: I GRADUATED WITH TRUMP, MAY 1968 FROM WHARTON SCHOOL, BILL PALEY WAS THE COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER CBS BIGGIE. I say that to clear up any conflict of interest on my personal opinion.
       The  Republicans are screwing the elections up. At this writing, they are starting to discredit the legitimately chosen candidate for their party. Don Trump wrapped it up early as he said he would. He won it fair and square. He is not a typical pol. He says what he means and the reverse. If you want smarmy, listen to Sunday morning politico interviews. You can all the double talk you can swallow.
          Trump says the system is unfair, and look what happens: " da boys" in the back room are smokein up a storm plotting to undo him. NO WONDER THERE ARE MORE INDEPENDENT VOTERS (LIKE ME) THAN EVER BEFORE. When at Wharton, I wrote my thesis on our political party system and made the case for and Independent system. I see now that I was right, all along. So was Donald Trump/
         If these dissenters in the Republican party continue, we're going to wind up with Billary back in the White House, Bill on the golf course, soiling some girls dress, Hillary taking money from anyone, doing anything, and us not knowing anything about what she does.
         IF SHE ISN'T INDICTED FOR CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY. What keeps me up at night are two disturbing ideas:
  • has the American IQ sunk so low as to happily accept someone of such flawed, low character?
  • Of all the people in our country suitable for the presidency, THIS is what we have to offer?

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