Saturday, November 19, 2016

Things I hate.....

1. The current reaction by weirdo portions of our communist reactionaries to Trump's election. I wonder if it is due to lack of education about our Constitution. Read it, you dumb asses.
2.  The idiots that are hollering about the election AND WHO DID NOT VOTE. They are calling on the civil authorities to call into action  THE COPS. Do it, you guys. Do it. This is not the time to be PC. Not voting gives our police (and us) the right to pass judgement on this clowns. No vote no right to holler, break glass and ruin my day.
3   1.7 Billion in cash to the Iranians in the middle of the night? What, the air crew was not wearing black masks and trench coats?  Mr Obama was not doing a great job at screwing us over. Least he could have done was an attempt at cheating, ya know - masks, capes, something. That's how you know POTUS did it and not the CIA. If the spooks did it, we would never k3ow. This op was right out of the WH.
4 When can you honestly say our government did the RIGHT thing? About anything? In the past 3 months, Asad in Syria murdered at least 10,000 of his people - just rounded them up, and slaughtered them. Did you KNOW that? Betcha didn't. MSNBC didn't tell you, NBC, Nnor oh abc or anybody else that are butt-buddies of POTUS bothered. Yet, we did NOTHING to stop that mass killing. Asad murdered 10K of his people while the US SAT ON THEIR (OUR) HANDS.
5 I am NOT proud of that. women and children knew they were going to be killed, waiting for it, just like those guys on the roof tops in Benghazi. And like those guys in Benghazi, they knew we weren't going to rescue them, either.....I HATE THAT.

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