Tuesday, November 8, 2016


We are the richest nation on earth, yet most college kids think the Government will supply them with free college (these days.) ......ok
     Today.....or was it last week,  our government said no more wars, we were pulling out of the Middle East and TV news casts covered stories of GIs coming home to kids
This week, I saw we're sending BACK , what? 6,000 more? That's more than what's stationed there NOW. I don't understand.
     Everybody hates the to candidates from the two major parties, and the third party from the Libertarians (?? - wassat?) can't find Hoboken on a map. Or, is it London.
     The only candidate running everybody seems to agree on is one VP Mr. Pence who has bearing, his presidential" This election year, a gaggle of Demos have vaulted the bird cage, fallen in behind Mr. Trump, and said so
     Likewise, maverick Republicans, purists all, have NOT endorsed Sir Donald, preferring to sniff their way through November and hold out for another miracle worker to fall through the clouds in -announced at present.
    Troubling. The chess pieces are not staying on their assigned locale, screwing ups.
     Meanwhile, the lame duck prez, is anything but, touring the country,  tossing wrenches into everything he can, for nearly everyone. Bill Clinton, yakking it up for Hillary (I think) makes a few caustic comments about Obama Care that ignites the faithful into frenzy, squared.
      " This ACA (ObamaCare) is crazy, the premiums are doubling January 1st, and the amount of care will drop significantly. That's CRAZY,"  he was quoted as saying.
      Watching the news on TV lately, you best have your hand-held around and dial in a version of Truth Checker The lies coming out of the tube could float a battleship.
       You heard it here.

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