Tuesday, November 8, 2016

DON TRUMP, character assassination thereof....

We all remember how actress TINA FEY set about destroying Governor Sarah Palin's character in the McCain/Palin run for office. Through the harassment of comedy, her skits  tore down the Governor to a point that the mindless among us MSNBC launches everything but the kitchen sink at him, which in their case, pretty weak.
     Anyway, they're back. This time, Don Trump is the target. Today, the net is loaded with negs courtesy of the Lord of objectivity, the Huffpost, at the controls of Adriana Huffington, butt buddies with Hillary. So take that and run with it.
     The same drek press is still harping on the Melania speech accusing her of swiping whole sections from Obama's prior tome. I thought we  had moved past that, but, then again, MSNBC figures they don't have much to talk about, they'll just keep driving nails in that coffin until we all get bored with it.
     Speaking of Melania and bad press from the internet, they're still banging on about her "NAKED" pictures she had taken when she was a nubile teen age model for a professional shoot for a magazine. She was NOT naked, she was on a professional job, that was about half her life ago, and by the way. BIG DEAL. Think about this. Who would you like to have in the White House helping to entertain visiting dignitaries from Russia, the Middle East, South America and the Pacific Rim?
     Melania Trump? Or somebody who rides a broom to work?
     Oh, the Muslim dad and Mom on the DNC platform? We take nothing away from their pain and suffering. We cannot imagine their anguish, Captain Kahn served us to the maximum doing more than his duty for us. However, statistically, Hillary & Co must have dug deep to find them, Muslim troops represent LESS THAN .0015 % of the entire armed forces from the US on station in the middle east. Grateful though we are that any of them are with us, we offer up thanks for Captain Kahn's sacrifice for our country.
      My point? Mr. Trump did read the Constitution. He and I attended the same Wharton School class and graduated in May `1968. The Constitution was part of the reading material at the time.

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