Tuesday, November 8, 2016


I write  this on the morning of our national election. Depression over takes me as a victim of the last `18 months or so of this political flogging we have endured. The collection below has been my personal experience from my fellow citizens:
      Contractor who services my heater: " we ought to have a law that says politicking confined to six (6) months, like in Europe." I counter with the fact that the people in Congress make the same laws as term limits on their seats. Fat chance.
      News caster on MSNBC (left wing tv station touting Clinton and Socialism), " The public's enthusiasm for this, and confidence in the future has been exhausted. They (nationally) are depressed, disheartened and can't wait to put this behind them, as I."
      Twitter War locally, " If Clinton wins, break out your Muskets."
      Regional newspaper headlines: " depending on outcome, some churches look to SCOTUS" Decisions on political speech in Churches"
      Facebook posts and blog reports increased comments about leaving US on ultimate selection of certain candidate as next president, either candidate is mentioned.
      Sociologists, Psychologists remain silent as to current adverse public reactions to schism developing in American split personalities in Red vs Blue development in public persona.
      Most industry scholars are unsure to in the dark about general reactions of the populace on the outcome of elections to come.


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